Sunday, January 10, 2010

The mission

If there is one thing in this world I couldn't live without, it would be books. I have been a reader for as long as I can remember, I guess I have my mom to thank for that. Somewhere, buried deep on a shelf is a home video of me when I was 3 and my mom decided it was time I learn to read. She set me up on the floor with homemade flash cards and one by one I would sound out the words on each card: watermelon, star; I sat there for what seemed like hours frustrated beyond reason until I got each word right. I also remember my mom going to school for her special ed credential around the same time. She always read her text books in the evening before going to bed and I can remember lying on her back so that I could look at the book over her shoulder and follow her finger as she read and every time she passed a word I knew I would read it out loud. I was hooked, and I have been a reader ever since.

Every year I resolve to do something new. Last year I decided to keep a journal of all the books I read and what I had thought about them so that I would be ready with recommendations whenever a friend was looking for something good to read. This went really well, and by the end of February I had read 12 books! Then I got busy with life, and didn't pick up another book all year, or I didn't finish another book all year ( I think I started about 10).

So why does any of this matter you may ask? Well, this year I have decided that I am going to try and read a book every week and then, I am going to blog about it. Don't worry, it's not going to be a book critique, at least that's not the plan, but I do hope to find a way to relate to each story that I read. I don't know what all 52 books will be yet, but I am looking forward to diving into books that friends and family recommend, and books that just seem interesting when I stumble across them at Borders, whether they be classic literature, popular novels, non-fiction, or whatever else. So help me out and send a recommendation my way!! I'll blog about book one, The Lovely Bones, tomorrow :)

1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to following this, Ali. I wonder if there will be much of a marriage between this book review and my daily film review come Lent. This is a good idea, in any case. Good luck! - E.T.
